SCRUM teams must show solidarity, efficiency and most important of all, be self-managed.
SCRUM is based on Empirical data (by priority) and their use to get most tasks done efficiently, with time reduction and the best allocation of human, financial and technical inputs.
1. The Product Owner (PO):
Must maximize the value of the product resulting from the SCRUM Team.
Responsible for the backlog (all requests): Well organized / clear / achievable.
The Backlog must be visible and understood by everyone (Well written / well organized)
Must write the Product objective: What is our objective of the product over a certain period.
Must have excellent communication skills.
Must build the Backlog empirically: By priority.
Final decision around the "Product-Backlog"
Responsible for any changes to the "Product-Backlog" (the sinequoinone agreement)
The P.O is not an interface between developers and customers.
The P.O can manage multiple teams.
2. The Developers:
The developers are the only responsible for:
The sprint backlog.
The different Increments.
The Definition of Done (D.O.D).
The reporting.
*Only the Product Owner can change the Product Backlog. *Only the Product Owner can cancel a Sprint.
2. The SCRUM artefacts Duration:
Sprint: Maximum 1 Month.
Sprint planning: Maximum 8 hours (For a sprint of 1 Month,2Hours/week)
Daily SCRUM: Maximum 15Minutes/Day
Sprint review: Maximum 4 Hours (For a sprint of 1 month,1Hour/week)
Sprint retrospective: Maximum3 Hours (For a sprint of 1 month,45minutes/week)
Product backlog refinement: Maximum 10% of the Sprint.
Product Backlog: The Lifetime of the product.
Participants in the different SCRUM Artefacts:
Sprint Planning: SCRUM Master/Product Owner/Developers.
Daily Sprint: Developers/SCRUM Master and P.O presence is not Mandatory.
Sprint Review: SCRUM Master/P. O/Developers/Stakeholders.
Sprint retrospective: P.O/SCRUM Master/Developers.
3. The Story Toolbox (writing the Product Story/Product Backlog): When writing the Product Backlog, generally, the P.O uses one of these 2 methods:
PAR Method : P : Problem/What’s the problem(challenge)facing you.
: A : Action/what action you to resolve the problem.
: R : Result/What were the outcomes(results) of those actions.
STAR Method: S : Situation
: T : Task
: A : Action
: R : Result
4. User Story:
We need to be able to answer this statement when writing a « User Story »:
As a (Role) I want (Requirement) So that (Reason/R.O. I: Reason of Increment).